The waves will be described in physics, but that some sort of physical quantity to propagate the space. When the light is described in physics, there is an aspect of the side surface and the particles as a wave. (This is called a quantum.)
Visible light, which human beings are able to see, has many colors in it. They are the same colors as the many colors from red to purple in the rainbow, which is called the prism in nature. It is human beings that feel colors. The retina of the eye has three kinds of cone cells: L, M, and S. Red light excites L cones, green light excites M cones, and blue light excites S cones. Human beings can tell colors apart by these three kinds of cone cells. When these cone cells get a well-balanced stimulus, human beings feel it is white. In other words, the fact is not that it becomes white when light`s three primary colors are mixed but that the color which is made from light`s three primary colors is called white.
On the surface of the CD, it opens a lot of very fine holes; called a pit. The size of the pit is width 0.3nm, depth 0.1nm. When irradiated with the laser beam on the CD, the strength is born on the reflected light with or without pits, and generates a signal such as voice. When light strikes the pit, and the reflection light is weakened by each other interference, the reflected light is stronger at certain angles. The angle of stronger reflected light appears is different for each wavelength, it looks rainbow colors divided for each color.
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